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2308 Ridge Rd, Suite B, Rockwall, TX 75087

Sedation Dentist – Rockwall, TX

Put Your Dental Fears Behind You

Most people don’t exactly love to go to the dentist, but some are so terrified that they miss out on much needed care for years at a time, which can be terrible for their oral health. Whether it’s you or your child who has a bad case of dental phobia, we can use sedation dentistry to guarantee a comfortable and productive appointment every time. We have options suited for any patient at any age, and thanks to our team’s experience and friendly service, you won’t believe how easy taking care of your teeth can be. To learn how sedation dentistry in Rockwall, TX could be used at you or your child’s next appointment, contact us today.

Woman smiling after sedation dentistry in rockwall

Why Choose Spillman Family Dental of Rockwall for Sedation Dentistry?

Learn More About Nitrous Oxide Sedation

How Nitrous Oxide Works

You might have heard nitrous oxide referred to as “laughing gas.” It gets this nickname from the feelings of warmth and euphoria it produces when inhaled. This odorless, colorless gas is delivered to your system from a small mask placed over your nose. Throughout your procedure, Dr. Spillman can adjust the dosage of the gas as needed to maximize your comfort.

Contrary to what you may have heard, nitrous oxide doesn’t actually “put you to sleep.” You will reach a level of relaxation so deep that you might doze off, but we can easily wake you up if need be. You might feel light-headed or a tingling sensation in your arms and legs. Generally, you’ll feel comfortable and calm enough to undergo whatever procedures you need to ensure a healthy smile. You shouldn’t be aware of the environment around you or experience any discomfort. In fact, chances are you won’t remember much or even any of the procedure after the effects of the gas wear off.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Nitrous Oxide?

If you are nervous about an upcoming dental appointment, or you haven’t received the care you need in years due to your anxiety, nitrous oxide may be just the thing you need. We typically recommend nitrous oxide for patients with:

  • Sensitive teeth or gums
  • Overactive gag reflex
  • Dental-related anxieties or fears
  • Difficulty sitting still
  • Difficulty holding their jaw open
  • Back or neck pain

Some patients, however, are not candidates for nitrous oxide, such as those who are pregnant or have high blood pressure. Certain medications or medical conditions can result in complications from nitrous oxide, so be sure to discuss your medical history with us at your consultation.

How Long Is the Recovery Time?

After we finish treating you, we remove the nasal mask and let you sit in the waiting room. The effects of the gas should wear off within minutes, half an hour at most. Unlike other sedatives, nitrous oxide doesn’t cause any lingering side effects, so you’ll be able to drive yourself home and resume your normal day after your appointment!

Learn More About Oral Conscious Sedation

Do you find yourself moderately anxious about visiting the dentist? Do you oftentimes cancel your upcoming appointments due to how much you dread going to them? Mild to moderate dental phobia can keep you from getting the dental care you need to maintain a healthy smile. At Spillman Family Dental of Rockwall, we care about your personal comfort just as much as your pearly whites. That’s why we offer options like oral conscious sedation. As a certified sedation dentist, Dr. Travis Spillman is specially trained to help you comfortably enjoy your dental appointment with sedation dentistry methods like oral conscious sedation.

What Is Oral Conscious Sedation

Oral conscious sedation is an excellent choice for those who want to achieve a deeper level of relaxation than what nitrous oxide can provide. The “oral” in oral conscious sedation refers to the fact that it’s administered via a pill that you swallow before your appointment. This prescribed anti-anxiety medication doesn’t kick in as quickly as nitrous oxide, but it’s designed to help you feel completely at-ease by the time you reach our office. Even though you’ll feel somewhat sleepy and aren’t likely to have any memories of your treatment, you do in fact remain “conscious.” You’ll be awake enough to respond to basic instructions from your dental team, but you won’t feel any emotional or physical discomfort.

How Does Oral Conscious Sedation Work?

One of the biggest advantages of oral conscious sedation is that it helps you feel calm and content long before your procedure begins. After you take your prescribed medication at home, you’ll need to have a trusted friend or family member drive you to our office. We’ll only begin your treatment once you’ve settled into the examination chair and feel completely at-ease. All throughout your appointment, we’ll keep a close eye on your heart rate and blood pressure to ensure you are safe and comfortable. Before you know it, all your dental work will be complete! You’ll need to have a friend or family member drive you home afterwards since you’ll likely feel very groggy for the rest of the day.  

Is Oral Conscious Sedation Right For Me?

Oral conscious sedation can help a variety of people in numerous situations. This sedation option might be right for you if you:

  • Have mild to moderate anxiety when visiting your dentist.
  • Tend to cancel, skip, or avoid making your dental appointments out of dread.
  • Need to have extensive or invasive dental work completed.
  • Find it difficult to keep your jaw open or lay in one position for periods of time.
  • Experience neck or back pain when sitting in a dental chair for too long.
  • Typically have trouble numbing with local anesthetic alone.
  • Struggle with a previous traumatic dental experience.

Don’t let your fears keep you from getting the important dental care you deserve. Call Spillman Family Dental of Rockwall today to see how we can help make your next appointment as pleasant as possible with oral conscious sedation!

Read FAQs about Sedation Dentistry

Is Sedation Dentistry a Good Choice for Me?

Sedation dentistry can be used to help a wide variety of patients! We may recommend sedation if you:

  • Have sensitive teeth or an overactive gag reflex.
  • Find it extremely uncomfortable to sit in the same position for too long.
  • Suffer from TMJ disorder or have difficulty keeping your mouth open.
  • Need to have several procedures completed all at once.
  • Have mild, moderate, or severe dental phobia.

Is Sedation Dentistry Safe?

When administered by our experienced Rockwall sedation dentist, sedation dentistry is a completely safe and effective solution. While nearly any patient can benefit from this calming service, we’ll carefully review your medical history and list of medications beforehand to ensure that it’s a good choice for you. All throughout your treatment you’ll be carefully monitored so we can safeguard your health and comfort.

Which Type of Sedation Dentistry Do I Need?

At Spillman Family Dental, we offer two different types of sedation:

  • Nitrous oxide: More commonly known as laughing gas, this is the lightest form of sedation. Within moments of the mask being placed over your nose, you’ll feel your fears melt away as you become light, happy, and content. Nitrous oxide is an excellent option for patients of all ages who need a little help to feel more comfortable in the examination chair.
  • Oral conscious sedation: This method of sedation can achieve a deeper level of relaxation. Even though you may not remember your visit later, you’ll stay conscious enough throughout your treatment to respond to requests from your dental team. This is a good solution for patients who tend to cancel or skip their appointments out of fear.

How Long Do the Effects of Sedation Dentistry Last?

Nitrous oxide takes effect withing seconds of being inhaled, and it wears off just as quickly. Once the mask is removed at the end of your appointment, you’ll quickly return to your normal state of consciousness. Many patients enjoy this option since it allows them to go on with the rest of their day without interruption. On the other hand, oral conscious sedation has a much longer recovery period. You’ll need to have a trusted friend or family member drive you home after your appointment, and you should plan on taking it easy for the rest of the day.

How Much Does Sedation Dentistry Cost?

There isn’t a set fee for sedation dentistry. This is because a variety of factors will determine the final cost, such as what type and how much sedation is needed. Most dental insurance policies will cover at least a portion of the price. If your insurance doesn’t cover sedation or if you don’t have dental insurance, we also offer financing through CareCredit. There are several plans to choose from that can help break down the cost of your treatment into easily manageable payments.

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