At Spillman Family Dental of Rockwall, Dr. Travis Spillman believes in the benefits of traditional dentures. However, when you compare their upkeep, stability, and functionality against implant dentures of Rockwall, they often leave much to be desired. Instead of worrying about whether your prosthetic might accidentally slip while talking to others, you can rest easy knowing your new smile is permanently in place and going to provide the function you need to feel confident in everyday life. No longer will you need to spend your hard-earned dollars on denture adhesives or special cleaning supplies. Instead, you can enjoy dental implants that look, act, and feel just like regular teeth. If you’re ready to learn more about these unique tooth replacement solutions, give our office a call and schedule an appointment today.
Implant dentures are permanent, stable, and fully functional prosthetics that are surgically placed into the jawbone and provide a support system for a customized restoration (i.e., denture). For patients who are missing an entire row of teeth, a dentist can use between 4 and 8 dental implants to secure new teeth in place. With millions of people in the United States already enjoying the benefits of these prosthetics, their longevity of more than 30 years and ability to prevent facial collapse cannot be overlooked.
When meeting with your implant dentist in Rockwall to discuss the potential for implant dentures, one of the most important factors will be to decide which type of denture you prefer:
This hybrid prosthesis requires ample jawbone density and between 4 and 8 dental implants. Designed to fit permanently, it cannot be removed by anyone other than a skilled professional. This allows you to have a more stable smile that is easy to clean and maintain.
The other option is a removable denture, also known as a Snap-On denture. Requiring only 2-5 implant posts, you do not need as much jawbone density as a fixed prosthetic. Held in place by a bar- or ball-retained device, these can be easily removed in the evenings for thorough cleanings.
Although receiving implant dentures does take more time than if you were to choose a traditional denture, they are well worth the time and money. The process may require ample patience, but you can expect phenomenal results once you are fully healed and receive your customized restoration.
While no two patients are the same, the steps a person must follow are the same:
During your initial consultation, Dr. Spillman will examine your oral and facial structures using advanced dental technology. Using the captured images to fully view the intricate details of your tissues, nerves, and jawbone, he will consider the following factors to determine if you are qualified to immediately move forward with dental implant surgery:
Dental implants offer an endless array of benefits on their own. However, once you combine them with a customized denture, you will find: