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Important Invisalign Dos and Don’ts

July 18, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — spillmanfd @ 4:42 pm
A woman putting on an Invisalign aligner.

Invisalign treatment can often be completed much faster than traditional braces. In fact, it has many benefits that wires and brackets simply can’t touch. It’s easier to clean, more comfortable, and a lot less noticeable, just to name a few. But in order for your treatment to be successful, you still need to follow a few golden rules. If you’re starting Invisalign, here are some important dos and don’ts!

Do Soak Your Aligners

Your aligners should be soaked daily to help remove plaque and other buildup, and to keep them smelling fresh and looking clean. Soaking should be done in addition to brushing to help break up debris that could be causing discoloration or other problems, so don’t skip this important step!

Do Brush Your Aligners

Be sure to brush your aligners daily with a soft-bristled toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste and rinse them well after cleansing.  Furthermore, always brush them with a separate brush than the one you use for your teeth and be sure to brush and floss your teeth before putting your aligners on each time.

Don’t Wear Them While Eating or Drinking

While it is okay to wear your aligners while drinking water, you should remove them for any other beverage or food. Dark fluids can easily stain them or warp them, and chewing with them will not only make them dirty, but it will also be very difficult and uncomfortable.

Don’t Use Colored Soaks or Mouthwash

Only soak your aligners in a clear soak; colored soaks and mouthwashes can stain them, causing your teeth to appear discolored, and defeating the purpose of clear aligners.

Don’t Smoke

You should not smoke whether you have aligners or not, but definitely don’t smoke while wearing them, as this can stain them or damage them. Should you smoke with them off, be sure to clean your teeth thoroughly before putting them back in, but if you are a smoker, it’s better to quit.

Don’t Leave Your Aligners Out

While you may need to remove your aligners for meals and beverages, be careful to put them somewhere safe between wearing. When you remove them, rinse them well. Then store them in a safe place in an aligner case until it’s time to put them back in. This will not only shield them from accumulating germs and bacteria, but it can also help you avoid accidentally losing them or throwing them away!

Remember, while Invisalign is an easier way to straighten your teeth, it is not without its own set of care and maintenance instructions. Be sure to follow these guidelines for successful treatment, and you’ll have plenty of reasons to smile!

About Dr. Spillman

Dr. Travis Spillman enjoys helping patients by improving their oral health and giving them the confidence to smile. He also enjoys the independence owning his own practice brings so he can spend his free time with his family. Dr. Spillman is a member of the Seattle Study Club and Spear Study Group and has even earned his master’s certificate from CARD (Center for Aesthetic and Restorative Dentistry).

To schedule an Invisalign appointment at Spillman Family Dentistry of Rockwall, please visit our website or call us today at 972-945-0887.

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